Hyun Joon Park

Hyun Joon Park

Assistant Professor of Psychology

Joined Connecticut College: 2022

B.S., Korea University
M.A., The Pennsylvania State University
Ph.D., The Pennsylvania State University


Social Identity Threat



Psychological Intervention

Intergroup Relations

Data Mining/Machine Learning

Hyun Joon investigates the multilevel pathways (i.e., intrapersonal, interpersonal, intergroup, and regional-level processes) through which psychological threat (e.g., being exposed to group-based discrimination or negative stereotypes) impacts health, academic performance, and intergroup relations, with a focus on testing interventions that mitigate the experience of threat. Hyun Joon earned his Ph.D. in social psychology, with a minor in social data analytics (a program focused on applying computational methods to social sciences) at The Pennsylvania State University in 2022.


A defining feature of his research is that he utilizes innovative biological and computational approaches to maximize the ecological validity of his research. 

  • First, he investigates biological responses to psychological threat in real-life academic settings (e.g., cortisol, DHEA, alpha-amylase) and how these biological responses impact performance and health outcomes. 
  • Second, he investigates how experiencing psychological threat can negatively impact students' momentary thoughts, behaviors and interpersonal relationships using intensive longitudinal data (e.g., capturing individuals’ experiences through ecological momentary assessment [EMA] using smartphones). He also investigates how psychological interventions (e.g., affirmation and belonging interventions) can mitigate the negative impact of experiencing psychological threats. 
  • Third, he studies how regional level of threat “in the air” negatively impact the health outcomes of those living in those areas. To capture regional levels of threat “in the air”, he utilizes machine learning algorithms, naturalistic data sources (e.g., Twitter), and big data (e.g., Project Implicit).

Recent publications

Park, H. J., Ruberton, P. M., Smyth, J. M., Cohen, G. L., Purdie-Greenaway, V., Cook, J. E. (In press). Lower SES Ph.D. Students Experience Interpersonal Disconnection from Others Both Inside and Outside of Academia. Journal of Social Issues.

Park, H.J, Francisco, S., Pang, R., Peng, L., Chi, G. (in press). Exposure to Anti-Black Lives Matter Movement and Obesity of the Black Population. Social Science & Medicine. doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2021.114265.

Park, H.J,  Hu, D., Haynes, E., Gasper, K. (2021). When a Lack of Passion Intertwines with Thought and Action: Neutral Feelings About COVID-19 are Associated with U.S. Presidential Candidate Attitudes and Voting Behavior. Emotion. doi.org/10.1037/emo0001051. 

Kachanoff, F.J., Kteily, N., Khullar, T.H., Park, H.J, & Taylor, D.M. (2020) Determining our destiny: Do threats to collective autonomy fuel low-power group member’s desire for power? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. doi.org/10.1037/pspi0000217. 

Please visit his website for more information!

Contact Hyun Joon Park

Mailing Address

Hyun Joon Park
Connecticut College
270 Mohegan Ave.
New London, CT 06320