The following websites trace the history of affirmative action legislation in the United States and the State of Connecticut.

Federal Level

This first account of the history of affirmative action appears on the Infoplease website. It is organized in the form of a timeline and describes each step of the historical narrative briefly and succinctly. It covers some of the same ground as the legal timeline on a separate page of this Connecticut College, Affirmative Action website

The following link is to a report by Charles V. Dale for the Congressional Research Service, the Library of Congress. (Order Code RS22256). It is a narrative account written in September, 2005:

These two accounts of the history of affirmative action work well together.

State Level: Connecticut

The following site is part of the Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities page on the State of Connecticut's web site: it details the legislative history of affirmative action in this state.